Are you a king then? – So bist du dennoch ein König?

May 5th, 2011

Who is a King?

We’ve all just seen the Royal Wedding – 2 Billion of us watched it. I thought it was well – quite romantic – but well fairytale or not this is only the reality of a priveliged few but not all. Numerous Kings and Queens throughout history have put themselves above the status of God – in their total belief that God put them on the throne – giving them the sole power to rule over others.

In the course of just one week the Lord rode into Jerusalem on a donkey where he was praised by his people, celebrated as a king, then betrayed, ridiculed, tortured and crucified.

I believe that this happened and the outcome was that He ‘was’ crucified and died on the cross – so that you could have everlasting life.

His message to Pilatus was:  “You say rightly I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice:” [ John 18:37]

Unfortunately the prerequisite to everlasting life is faith.  Doubt won’t help you here. Disciple Thomas also experienced doubt and  did not believe that the Lord had risen from the dead.  But the Lord went to him and told him to touch the wound in his side that had been made by the roman centurion’s spear. He then said to him “be not faithless – but believe“.  Only then did Thomas recognize and acknowledge.

The Lord went on to say Thomas you believe because you saw but “Blessed are they who have not seen, yet believe“!  Jo. 20 : 29

The Lord was without sin and he gave his life so that you could live. He knew his fate and he also experienced doubt in his last hours on earth. Even then he was able to forgive, and in his greatness he overcame death and the world.

Also Saul, who was at that time a persecutor of Christians, was on his way to Damascus when he saw a bright light and heard the Lord say “‘Saul Saul why do you persecute me”?  At that moment he was blinded, and the Lord told him to go to Damascus where he would meet a servant of the Lord. Meanwhile the Lord had spoken to Hananias, and told him to go to Damascus where he would meet Saul, the persecutor of Christians, who he was to help. Imagine what would have been going through Hananias’s head! The bible tells us he even pleaded with God not to send him there. So – on one side we have the persecutor of Christians, being sent to a fate he didn’t know. And on the other side, we have a dedicated Christian being sent to what must have seemed like certain trouble – and yet he still went!  Neither men followed their reason – they followed their hearts.  Through Hananias, Saul received the blessings and power of the Holy Spirit and he became Apostle Paul – one of Gods most faithful servants.

The road is broad that leads to damnation. The way is narrow and small that leads to Salvation and if we can recognise this before we die then more the better. Afterwards it gets harder, but I’ll hold that thought for a later date!

The promises and riches of this earthly kingdom will not quench the needs of your soul.  From a human point of view you could say God makes everything possible.  A non-believer though would call it luck, a Christian would call it luck too but have you ever thought that perhaps  luck can be a blessing!  Faith is everything and everything is nothing without it. There is no middle of the road in faith –  only clarity! Just as in worldly justice –  there can only ever be wrong or rightguilty or not guilty!

There are no visible attributes for having faith – But a saying states… that what is essentialis invisible to the eye!

Jesus Christ – a true King was to rise from the restraints of this life into a new day.  He doesn’t rule he serves. He prepared the way before he left and this ‘way‘ is clearly stated in the bible. “The kingdom that I speak of is not of this world.”
I am the way, the truth and the light. No-one comes to the Father except through me.  John 14:6

Do you really know what truth is or do you only think you know? Be like wise King Solomon – he didn’t pray for worldy riches, he followed his heart and soul and instead he prayed for spiritual wisdom and clarity to show him the right way.

I wonder if today’s Royals see it the same way?